Jennifer Hotelling
Lead Pastor
Passion Church/ Revival MKE
I am the lead pastor at passion church as well as the lead pastor at revival MKE both at which the Holy Spirit moves mightily manifesting his glory and presents! I have a real passion for God’s presence gifts and manifestations and I desire to stir up the gifts of God and others and see them being used by God!
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Debbie Bilek
My second book "Strategies from Heaven; Contending for the Impossible" was just released on November 8th. I am believing this book will have a worldwide impact in fueling people to live out their God given purpose. I am currently developing my website at: StrategiesFromHeaven.com
Here are a couple of book endorsements:
“Debbie releases these timeless strategies with a unique writing style that keeps the reader engaged and captivated, walking them into total transformation.”
—Kary Oberbrunner, author of Day Job to Dream Job and Your Secret Name
“For complete transformation from all obstacles, deception, and disappointments that hinder you from fulfilling your God-given assignment on earth, Strategies from Heaven by Debbie Bilek is the timely gift that will forever change your life.”
—Dr. Bishop Hudson Suubi – Uganda Africa
The Lord has done the miraculous in my life and my passion is that everyone has an encounter with the living God and experiences true transformation through His grace and mercy. You may read my testimony in my first book "Smiling on the Outside, Dying on the Inside" found on Amazon. There are numerous testimonies on Amazon as to how my testimony has impacted other lives. Here is my author bio:
Debbie Bilek is a miracle in the making! She has been healed of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Sjogren’s syndrome, migraine headaches, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Her passion is to see people healed, delivered, and restored to their true identity. She speaks the Word of God over lives with power and authority, imparting truth and transformation, fueling them to live out their unique purpose and God-given destiny. Debbie has been married for 32 years to her college sweetheart and the love of her life, Bill. Together they have three grown children all of whom are destined to be world-changers.
My husband and I are the founders of The Regional Prayer Initiative in San Luis Obispo County, CA. We are a group of believers from various churches throughout our region who minister to church leaders, business owners, and politicians through prayer and prophecy. Our desire is that every individual lives out the call and destiny they were purposed and created for, to bring healing and transformation to the nations, one region at a time.
We allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as we gather together to pray in love and unity. We currently have people from 14 different churches involved praying together at a different location every Tuesday. In January we will be expanding to other regions. Our mandate for this ministry stems from Philippians 2:1-3
"Therefore, if you have any
encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love,
If any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,
Then make my joy complete by being of one mind,
Having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride,
But in humility consider others more important than yourselves.”
This past week we had the privilege of praying and prophesying over two local businesses. One of the business owners said that in his 23 years in business he had never experienced anything like it. We know that his life and his business will be forever changed because we believe the Word of the Lord that whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven, and whatever we bind on earth has been bound in heaven.
My heart's desire is to serve the Lord in everything I do and with every word I speak.
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Dr Joyce Edeki
I run a telephone prayer group everyday. The group is encouraged to pray using scriptures daily. God is glorified as each person grows daily in knowing God deeply in worship
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Alma G. Perez
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Since 1982 my husband and I have flowed as a team...psalmist and prophetic we pioneered 2 churches in California. Currently we have pioneered a work in Broken Arrow, OK a church named Word is Life Revival Church which includes training students in the School of the Supernatural...we also go out where we are invited to bring the Kingdom of God in Luke 4:18
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Beverly Netto
I have opened up my heart and home to create a safe place to build kingdom relationships in Utah. Transparent Hearts is about connecting to the heart of the Father through Jesus empowered by Holy Spirit. I provide spiritual support to women in this region by hosting small women’s retreats in my home or at a local venue where we have an intimate time with Jesus as we share our stories, go to the heart of the Father for each woman’s identity in Christ, as well as minister in healing, deliverance, and prophecy as led by Holy Spirit. Each retreat is based on the current needs of the women gathering from various churches in the area. After the retreats, I continue to support these women through spiritual life coaching, prayer, Bible studies, and/or mentoring. I also host monthly prayer gatherings in my home for regional breakthrough. It is all for the glory of God and building his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
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Kristi DeKoning
I am a full time mom to a 5 year old boy, 2.5 year old girl, a new baby girl, and a supportive wife to a physician. I am a former Freelance Graphic Designer. A few years ago I began opening up the creative arts and worship at our church. I have taught classes on worship and creativity and have held worship gatherings where the creative arts are free to be explored in various ways by children and adults.
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Doris Rosin
The Lord has called me to touch the lives of others primarily in the Body of Christ. I have ministered to others as part of a prayer ministry team and as a Chaplain, provided mentoring/counseling as part of care ministries, and lead/facilitated small groups for women and/or singles over the age of 55. Most recently I facilitated a course on the prophetic for singles going through a Global Awakenings course. In 2013 I was invited to join the staff at the International House of Prayer in KC as an associate core leader in the Simeon Internship where I provided leadership, guidance and support to students enrolled in that program.
Recently, the Lord has lead me to Payson, AZ from the Sacramento area to help in creating a place of restoration where people can experience the healing power of the Lord (spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally).
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Genevieve Honorat
I believe God uses me to Handdye scarves to touch people. I pray over them and wordship God while making them. Then once each one is finished then I am able to go back and write the Prophetic words for each one. That makes each scarf unique to each person and pray that God really touches them through their personal needs.
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Krista Abbott
Destiny Fulfilled International Ministries, Inc
I am an author and speaker. God is moving through me to touch others through the words I write, the messages I deliver through live public speaking, as well as media outlets - social media, blogging, videos etc. I have been delivering monthly prophetic words to encourage people in what the Lord is saying for the current season.
He also moves through me in my role to serve various international ministries through media and online based ministries. I work with several international ministries to help them with the development of their online products, social media, publishing, digital product development etc.
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Stephanie Telles
I have served as a missionary in Europe as part of YWAM and AD2000 movement. I returned to the US and served as part of the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Network, was on staff at Harvest Rock Church and assisted Che Ahn and Lou Engle launch TheCallDC in 2000 as Lou Engle's executive assistant. I have served on church staff such as Calvary Community Church in Phoenix, Arizona, leadership team of Expression 58 with Shawn Bolz and have served in various ministries such as healing rooms, intercessors, SoZo team inner healing at Bethel Church in Redding. I have also served in the marketplace working for large companies such as American Express, General Dynamics, Garmin International and El Paso Natural Gas. I have also worked in homeless healthcare with the Orange County Rescue Mission/Hurtt Family Health Clinic and Health To Hope Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in Southern California.
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Angel Garrett/Carlos
Angel Carlos Ministries
I love people! It is my hearts desire, whether through leading worship or teaching in churches and conferences for people to know that God is ever present and involved in their everyday lives.
I have recorded five independent albums consisting of original music along with traditional and contemporary gospel music - all with an emphasis on encouragement, empowerment, healing, worship and overcoming; designed to help in life's journey.
My original song "Fathers Say" was written with an emphasis on the importance of fathers being involved in their children's lives. I am proud to say it was used by the organization "Legacy Minded Men" and aired on Trinity Broadcasting Network the summer of 2016.
God leads me in a unique ministry consisting of a mixture of worship, teaching and the prophetic, based on understanding the Fathers heart in worship for the moment.
I've had the privilege to periodically teach young people at Charis Bible College in Denver Colorado on worship/prophetic ministry and spiritual growth for the next generation.
In the near future I will be collaborating on my latest music project with my husband/producer Rick Carlos and producer Clay Bogan. I also work alongside my husband at our home church as music director under Pastor Eric Butler in Lincoln Park New Jersey.
I am blessed to be a mother of 2 married sons, Andrew and Damon who, with their wives are also involved with me in ministry.
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Donna Milham
President/Apostolic Leader
Eagle & Dove Ministries
I founded Eagle & Dove Ministries in 1999 and Judah's Roar Church/Center in 2006..
I train and equip in my local body as well as speak at various conferences and gatherings.
I am also involved with First Nations and regional/international gatherings.
I have authored one book and am working on my second. (www.donnamilham.com)
We also reach out into community through prophetic worship/arts/dance and ministry.
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marcia reinhart
I have traveled to several nations for healing and evangelism conferences. I have prayed and seen God move in many ways - deliverance, healing, salvation and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Recently, I moved to Utah and have met many former and current LDS women. Some I am helping come out of the LDS culture, others I am loving and displaying a grace filled life.
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Terri Harrison
I am looking to grow as a Godly woman in business. I want and need those around me to strengthen, challenge and encourage me as I do the same for them. I want to actively pursue filling in gaps in my life, ministry and business so I reflect His goodness in every area. I can't stay where I am to get where He is calling. I think WIMN would help me.
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Deanna Gallagher
I am a marriage family therapist. I pray over people with physical ailments and have seen many healings. I love ministering to people whether they suffer from physical ailments or emotional ailments. I am part of a prayer warrior team of Christian women in Pocatello, Idaho and engage in prison ministry at the Pocatello, Idaho Women Prison. We also help inmates getting out of prison to find housing and jobs and are working on establishing a transitional women's housing facility providing all kinds of services.
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Jan Erickson
Avante Life Ministries
God has blessed me with original songs and books as well as speaking opportunities to share His goodness and desire to break the bond ages that the enemy has placed on His people.
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Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
Breath of the Spirit Ministries
God has prophetically gifted me to understand and teach the divine supernatural ways that God speaks to us through prophecy, dreams and visions. I have developed a training and dream interpreting website called www.MyOnar.com Currently I am a certified prophetic dream life coach that works by appointment by calling 972- 253-6653. I have developed several training modules Dream encounters, Revelatory Encounters, Angelic encounters and Healing Encounters to train and equip both the church and the business sectors.
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Teresa Zuella
I have nearly 3 thousand friends on facebook from all over the world who I love to reach through writing a "note" or graphics with scriptures, and various ways. My heart is for the arts in worship, and I love to dance and wave flags. My true passion for years has been health through holistic treatment and nutrition.
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Nicole Helms
God is on the move in and around me and beautiful miracles are happening every day. I know I am supposed to share my testimony with the world and love everyone as Christ loves while giving back to the community and having a ripple effect throughout the nations!!!
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Sarah Williams
CityLight Church
My husband and I planted a church three years ago in Toledo, OH. I pastor alongside him. I have also started a sozo ministry in our area. We are asking God to see the salvation of an entire city.
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Savannah Marten
Executive Director
Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo
God has me serving as the executive director of a pregnancy center in my community. I know that God is using me as a voice for women and the unborn in our community to minister hope and the love of the Father.
I also believe God is using me to help raise up melillinials in my community to walk in radical obedience and deep intimacy.
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Ome Hayward
I am on a Healing Room Prayer Team - Prayer is key. I am blessed to see Freedom come to those who come through our doors!
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Barbara Newell
The Lord has called me to be an influence by mentoring my children and grandchildren. Most recently the Lord has called me and my ministry partner to Payson, AZ to work in the area of care ministries. He has given us a vision to create a place where people can come for restoration and experience God might healing touch of not only their bodies, but their mind and spirit as well.. God has also used me as a chaplain and prayer warrior in my church and singles group prior to moving to Arizona. He has also used me as a small group leader in women's and singles ministries.
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Angela Cheruseo
I am a financial coach reaching people with Kingdom principles and Christ's love.
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Linda Katkus
I am ordained under Joan Hunter Ministries and have the honor and privilege to minister to others. I also serve in my local Healing Rooms and pray with others for healing in all areas.
I have just launched a Kingdom business called Coffee Commitment selling coffee online and at events. Our focus and passion for this business is to help fund the rescue and restoration of those trapped in Human Trafficking.
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