Member Directory
Karen Calvi
Leader, Facilitator
SVCC Single Womens Small Group & SVCC Tempe Prayer Team Member
I lead a single women's Small Group that meets weekly. These 19 women come from all walks of life, ages 30 and up, status, culture, etc. Single group description is widowed, divorced or never married. Our Small Group is a safe place where confidentiality is required and I try to foster love & encouragement individually to each member and encourage each member do the same, one to another.
At weekly meetings we review & discuss sermon notes and at times we do a 4-9 week bible study and/or a DVD based study. We have periodic social events. I encourage the girls to serve at our Church or outreach as individuals and as a group. We encourage prayer and one of my responsibilities is to gather prayer requests and send out weekly prayers for each need to all of the group members. I'm also the Administrative/Communications for our group.
I am also a member in the SVCC, Tempe Campus Prayer Team.
United States
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Stacey Campbell
STACEY CAMPBELL is the founder and facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council and serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Cindy Jacobs She and her husband Wesley are on the apostolic team of Harvest International Ministries (H.I.M.) under Dr. Ché Ahn. They are also the founders of a church (New Life Church, Kelowna, BC) and a mercy organization for children at risk called “Be A Hero.” As conference speakers, they have ministered in over 60 nations, laboring to see revival and social justice transform the world. Stacey’s personal experience as a church planter, pastor, and missionary gives her prophetic teaching a depth and authority that can only come from personal experience. The Campbells have five grown children and live in Kelowna, B.C., Canada.
British Columbia
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Jane Campbell
Editorial Director
Chosen Books
Jane Campbell, formerly managing editor of Christian Herald, an evangelical monthly, is editorial director of Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. From her home in Fairfax, VA, she directs acquisitions for Chosen Books and has worked with hundreds of authors to (in the words of Chosen’s mission statement) “publish well-crafted books that recognize the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit and help readers live more empowered and effective lives for Jesus Christ.” With a B.A. in literature from Houghton (N.Y.) College, Jane is the co-author of several books, including Growing Up Born Again and Healing in His Presence. She currently leads one of the home groups for Church of the Apostles, an Anglican church in Fairfax, VA, where she also serves on the vestry and is liaison for a ministry for girls at risk in Kampala, Uganda.
United States
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Janet Chambers
Senior leader
Living Waters Christian Centre
Preaching in our own church. Leading pastors in our region
Serving on the apostolic board of the New Life Churches of New Zealand
Ministering into other nations
New Zealand
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Dawn Cheatham
I have previously served in numerous leadership positions in churches. At this time I believe that I am to resign my position as a school teacher and use what God has taught me in full time ministry. I am currently leading a Woman's Bible and Book Club that meets weekly. I look forward to what God has planned for my life!
United States
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Susan Cheatham
Susan Cheatham Ministries
I'm on staff w/Katie Souza, Intercession leader & Worship leader. I lead the prayer teams that pray for Katie and for the ministry. I lead worship for Katie in the prisons and some conferences. I also do some teaching/preaching at women's groups or whoever invites me. I love to mentor young people in worship. The Lord just ended a season where I had an internet radio show, I interviewed people outside the walls of the church that were advancing the Kingdom..
United States
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Donna Cherry
Ministry leader
Faith Hope and Love
I train in evangelism, prophetic, worship, intercession, deliverance, and healing. My husband and I have Strings with Wings ministry serving to raise up worship and sending and giving away guitars over the nations and local areas. I have a builders anointing and vision for a citywide equipping and training center.
United States
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Angela Cheruseo
I am a financial coach reaching people with Kingdom principles and Christ's love.
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Leanna Cinquanta
TellAsia Ministries
TellAsia Ministries transforms lives through God's love coupled with education and humanitarian aid. We do this in some of the most needy areas of the world, but our primary focus is in northern India - home to almost 1/7th of the world's population including 35 million at-risk children. We have established orphanages and work in anti-trafficking, rescue, and rehabilitation. We operate schools and rural education centers and also offer leadership and vocational training.
United States

AuDera Clark
Hope For You International
I have a heart for seeing people be healed emotionally and physically especially children and teens who are in the foster care system and in need of adoption. We have a ministry called Hope For You International. I travel to East Africa and Cambodia where I work alongside of a widows ministry and orphanage in Kenya. My husband and I help found an orphanage in Uganda. I really enjoy facilitating our home group for women and others. My husband and I were pastors for 16 years and have dedicated our lives now to missions through several local mission groups and Kenya.
United States
Fort Mill
South Carolina
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