Member Directory

Heidi Daehlin
Co founder
She Wars Ministry
I am a co- founder of She Wars Ministry - a training and equipping ministry that focuses on intercession and holiness.
United States
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Kelly Marie Damon
Rest and learn more about ministering to the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
British Columbia
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Louise Davidson
My husband and I minister to pastors here in Italy, we build relationship to encourage and help. Eight years ago the Lord had me start a ministry for senior pastors wives, women pastors, women leading a ministry or mission. It is held once a year in small intimate groups where The Holy Spirit leads to bring freedom and healing. At present they are held in Italy, Brazil and in 2016 we are starting in France. I also hold seminars called Heart2Heart on hearing the voice of God and introduction to the prophetic. And also distribute a weekly word of encouragement via email and Facebook called HeartBeats - Battiti del Cuore written in English and Italian. I travel, speaking in various churches in Europe, as well as Brazil and Australia.
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Menna de Jager
Business owner/trainer/coach/speaker/prayerwarrior
I have my own business and work as a trainer and coach in empowering people in their personal leadership. In all 7 mountains. I teach my clients to walk with God in His plan with mankind (Adam & Eve); to rule/lead, be fruitful and multiply. To bring in the Kingdom and to extend it. Be a blessing. In normal daily live. At work. In your family and neighborhood. All different contexts and spheres of influence that you are part of.
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shirley deboer
I partner with Holy Spirit to minister in the marketplace. I also work with the local police in victim services.
I allow God to move where ever I am.
United States
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Catherine DeMumbrum
United States
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Joan Deweert
Co- founder, TV exec. Producer & Host
Dominion Broadcasting Society
Our mission statement: to change the spiritual temperature of Canada through media, prayer concerts and conferences. We endeavour to "cluster" with apostolic and prophetic ministries in Canada with the same heart to bring the "now" word of the Lord to the nation. We believe Canada has a unique calling to be a resting place for the presence of the Lord (Ps. 72:8) and a nation of blessing and healing to other nations. (Rev. 22.2).
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Gwendolyn Didden
Executive Director
Palace Project
Worldwide networking. Assisting others to launch ministry, encouragement and sharing resources.
United States
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Roberta Dixon
I am very alert to minister God's love to people I come into contact with in the community. I do this in many different ways. I feel God's leading to also start a ministry to help abused women come into intimate relationship with Abba, and I'm also part of a healing room ministry.
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Paula Douglas
The Door of Faith / Paula Douglas Ministries
I am a pastor/revivalist who operates in the gifts of the spirit. My passion is to encourage others to ‘free-fall’ in intimate worship. As I minister prophetically, I sing the Word in a new song. As I do, believers begin to experience realms of glory and the ‘audience of One’ that they have never experienced before. With this ‘free-fall’ worship and revival anointing, I have traveled to over 20 nations releasing God’s presence and power. I experience great joy on the mission field by impacting 2nd/3rd world nations for Jesus.
I have authored "Waltz with Me", currently blog at "Sweet Dessert for the Soul" and write for a local Christian magazine.
United States
South Carolina
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