Member Directory

Barbara Labrecque
Evangelist at large
I love the Lord - I share the His goodness, love, and good news of His Word at every opportunity to those who are interested and those who aren't. Once a week I go to the inner streets of Edmonton and share Jesus with the people there too.
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PJ Ladehoff-Mueller
Loving people by living the Word.
United States
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Pat Lairson
I am a business woman and Life Coach. God told me to get into Real Estate to help his people occupy the land. Everyone I meet is a God opportunity to show love to in whatever way I can to them based on where they are in life at that moment.
Life Coaching is part of the anointing God has given me. I am a problem solver by nature and God uses me to help "move" people from here to there both spiritually, emotionally and physically.
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Erin Lamb
Operation God is Love
I have a heart to love people and decided to follow Jesus into the marketplace to help the hurting. I lead street ministry teams in our city to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, share the Gospel and love people. I am also involved with praying for the sick at the free clinic run by Vineyard Christian Church.
I lead a women's discipleship group/prophetic intercession group, and I lead worship monthly for Vineyard Christian Church. I also lead/organize Burn events ( Burn events are a focused time of continual worship, prayer, intercession, declarations, sharing prophetic insight, and praying for the sick who come.
I also serve as a mentor at my job; my primary occupation is Research Scientist/Engineer. I use this as an opportunity to serve others and build the Kingdom in science/industry.
United States
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Bettina Langerfeldt
Founder and President
I received a calling to the marketplace ministry in 2007 and to my surprise, I found that the marketplace was the very place I could help a lot of people! Currently I am a coach and business consultant for Hispanic women entrepreneurs. To date I have worked with Christians and non Christians around the world with my online business, helping them with their money mindset, business and marketing strategies. My work is very spiritual and I use it as a testimony to the Word of God and how accurate it is in the area of money, wealth creation and business. I teach that a business is a God-given mission and help women connect with their godly calling to the marketplace. This year I wrote my first book "The Sleeping Queen" - The Divine Awakening of the Entrepreneurial Woman. After completing it, I felt led to work only with Christian business women. My heart goes out to Christian women who are called to leadership roles in their society, but are held back by religion and wrong teachings, like I was. This is especially prevalent in the Hispanic culture. I also believe that many men and women will be called to the marketplace ministry, where our presence as light to the world is direly needed.
Región Metropolitana

Laurie Leiding
pastor, prophetic seer, missionary, prophet
Choose Life Christian Ministries
My ministry is to go where Jesus says to go. He uses me at work, at church, at home, at the grocery market. Wherever I go, I pray for people and see many set free. I deliver a word to whoever I feel the Lord asks me to. I write journals, testimonies, articles, etc. on our website.
British Columbia
Wendy Leigh
I facilitate a Freedom Session course (Christian twelve step program which runs for 9 months annually.) In addition, I coach young adults experiencing life transitions and challenges. I also am an active volunteer and predominately express this through event planning, overseeing volunteers and leading conference prayer.
Sherwood Park
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Iris Leon
Isaiah 60 International Ministries
We train and equip the body in the call and in their call. The Lord has us currently focusing on woman in restoring them into self worth, identity and their calling. We also come along side other ministries to help in equipping and teaching the prophetic.
United States
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Gondi Lata Lincoln
CEO and appostle
Kingdom Good News Global ministry
Church planting and training up the pastors. Taking care of the widows and orphans by establishing the orphanages. Providing education for the under privileged children and connecting the kids to the creator. Also leading a women's ministry from the past 32 years in India.
Andhra Pradesh
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Cheryl LIndley
The Firehouse
Our mandate is to:
1) raise an army of prayer warriors across the nations.
2) encourage and release houses of prayer around the Pacific Rim, to ignite and connect prayer for revival in these nations.
3) to mobilise prayer strikes into nations to 'make way for the King' and see His Kingdom established and nations discipled in prayer.
Gold Coast
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