Member Directory

Lyn Packer
XP Ministries New Zealand
XP Ministries New Zealand serves alongside and under the umbrella of XP Ministries globally. We teach, train and encourage the Church to release the love and power of God in their churches, communities, nations, internationally and in their individual spheres of influence.
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
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Tyhisha Paden
Founder/Prophetic Minister
Na'thar Dance Ministries International
Prophetess Tyhisha is an ordained minister. She holds a Masters in Ministry Degree from Christian International School of Theology. She is also a graduate of Dancing For Him Dance Ministry Program and an ordained dance minister. Tyhisha is also a graduate of Eagles International Training Institute. She is the author of a newly released book called "Building the Walls of Your City Through Dance." Her passion is to see people saved, healed, delivered and refreshed through the power and presence of the Lord.
Tyhisha’s captivating enthusiasm for the Lord shines radiantly as she activates and imparts these life changing gifts. She has a powerfully anointed prophetic/spiritual warfare ministry that ushers the believer right into the very presence of God that truly sets the captive free!
United States
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Rebecca Patton
Leader of Freedom Ministry
The Dwelling Place
I am the leader of Freedom Ministries at The Dwelling Place Church, and my husband and I are leaders of Marriage & Family Ministry. I'm active in deliverance ministry, and I also do a great deal of personal mentoring of young women, especially concerning marriage issues, but also just teaching them to learn to walk with God in a deeper way. I love my Lord and I love helping people draw closer to Him.
United States
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Stella Payton
Better Life
I am a believing believer who endeavors to live the gospel every day. As a business woman with fairly strong knowledge or real estate, I earn much of my living renting and managing properties. I have been a corporate trainer for over 30 years now with a long list of clients over the years.
I do speak at conferences and events. I have authored nearly a dozen books now. Some I have published. Most I have not. Much of my current ministry is mentoring young women one on one.
I am also a recent grad of XP Ministries internship Program as of 2015.
United States
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Angela Payton
Associate Pastor
Grace Thru Faith Worship Centre
I am ordained minister for about six years. We have established 501c Grace Thru Faith Worship Centre.
I and my husband are pastoring in Bowie, Maryland. I move in the as a (seer) prophetic anointing, words of knowledge and healing. I support in leadership role workplace bible study as well.
United States
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Melissa Pearce
Enduring Hope Ministries
Personally, I love what God is doing within my life! I love Him and I just want more of Him! I always hear people speak of face to face encounters with Jesus and for the past 6 months I've been asking for my own.
From a ministry perspective, God has called me to equip people with the Word of God so they understand the Father's love and who they are in Him. Too many in the body of Christ do not perceive the love of the Father and therefore are not walking in the fullness He has for them. So I take this passion and desire God has given to me and I teach/speak at various conferences.
Through my ministry, we produces an online magazine, called Point of Hope. it is an online publication to address real life issues with people. Our focus is to speak truth in love, give hope and reinforce each are loved. It is been viewed nationally and internationally. We also conduct various outreach events for women to attend twice a month. Our focus is to obtain Christ like attitudes and servant-hood.
From a serving perspective, personally as well as ministerial, we serve our local homeless shelter for women.
United States
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Diane Pennington
I'm an Occupational Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist in an outpatient cancer center and therapy clinic. I have the privilege to have my hands on patients for an hour. While helping them physically I pray for them, minister to them and listen. God is so faithful to show up in my humble sessions in a big way. I also do some private therapy and use Young Living essential oils.
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Penelope Perez
I am writing a book about the healing anointing. I am also working on the business mountain, and have a vision for a company that the Lord has asked me to start.
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Wendy Peter
Always Hopeful Ministries /Harvest Family Church
I am an ordained minister. I was ordained as a prophet and teacher, however I use the title Prophetic Pastor to describe my roll in our church. I am on staff and part of the apostolic team that leads are church. I am also the president of Always Hopeful Ministries. A women's ministry that includes women from all denominational backgrounds. I recently completed a video series: Looking beyond the Mirror, a 16 week study based out of 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, which takes women on a journey away from the image in the mirror and into both finding and keeping a God given sense of identity and confidence. I was invited by Catch the Fire /John Arnott to release Looking Beyond the Mirror last September at their conference and since then, part of my time is spent working on that aspect of my ministry.

Marie Phillips
Marie manages the books for her husband's business, and ministers to friends, family, and strangers during her day.
She is currently on three ministry teams and regularly prays for people following a weekly church service.
Her passion is to share and minister the love of God through personal, one on one encounters.
She has recently completed study in physical healing, inner healing, deliverance, and prophecy.
She journals (two-way journaling) extensively.
United States