Member Directory

Camille Randall
The Lord has given a heart for those on the outside to Pastor, encourage and equip them to be the person who God created them to be. I have been in ministry for over 40 years the church as well as out of the church. I have served as a Bible Study Fellowship Teaching Leader and Discussion Leader, Women's Ministry Director and Bible Teacher, Executive Assistant to Pastors, Grief Ministry, Hospitality. Pre-School Teacher, Teachers Assistant, American Airlines Sales Rep (16 years). I felt a call to Seminary in 2010 at the age of 64! I graduated in May 2013 and was ordained a Lutheran Pastor with the Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ Network (LCMC).
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Nancy Ellen Ranfranz
Founding Director, Host & Guide
Healing Springs Ministries
Healing Springs is a Christian sanctuary of rest and peace for leaders in ministry and the marketplace, for missionaries, couples, or anyone in need of rest, relaxation, restoration, and renewal - spirit, soul, and body. We currently are in the process of building the retreat house with weekend retreats beginning in June 2016.
United States
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Amanda Rankin
La Casa de Oracion y Adoracion
The House of Prayer is located in the mountain town of Volcan, Panama. The vision came in 2007, before we moved here as missionaries. It is now the place where youth groups from the different churches in our area, are coming together to do spiritual mapping and praying for the transformation of Volcan, and the country of Panama.
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Debbie Rapson
Fabulous Christian Women
I am currently in ministry in the corporate sphere of influence.
Worship and His Presence dominate my heart and world.
Lake Country
British Columbia
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Mary Audrey Raycroft
Apostolic Founder
Releasers of Life / Released to Run
Releasers of Life and Released to Run are cross-denominational equipping and mentoring teams called to awaken, prepare and release women into their calling and full potential in the Body of Christ on an international scale. The aim is to bring an increasing understanding of God's word and His heart towards liberty for women as expressed especially through Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul; to lift off weights of bondage, shame and perceived inabilities to function alongside men in declaring the word of God and doing the works of the Kingdom; to recognize that God anoints and appoints His "daughters" to prophesy, preach, teach, and assume leadership roles alongside His "sons" both in the local church and the body of Christ at large, expressing humility in character and trusting God for His promotion with mutual submission to and encouragement of one another. In addition, Releasers of Life offers life-changing, eye-opening teaching to both men and women on the pattern for a godly marriage covering such issues as love, respect, submission, honoring, understanding and responding - all antidotes for co-dependency, misogyny, domination and control. Goal is achieved through conferences, retreats, teaching seminars, mentoring relationships and reliable resource materials.
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Paulette Reed
President & Founder
Prophetic Arrow Ministries
Paulette is a powerful preacher, prophetic minister, encourager, and author. Her passion is to share the love of Christ and unite people to the inexplicable love of our Heavenly Father, exhorting them to arise and shine! Paulette loves to see God's people awakened and proclaim the active extension of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. She ministers in the revival anointing accompanied by revelatory ministry, healing, miracles, signs and wonders.
Prophetic Arrow Ministries is a nondenominational, evangelical, Christian organization committed to lending to the nations, providing spiritual and physical assistance to hurting people around the world. They help meet the needs of victims experiencing poverty, natural disasters, famine and disease while teaching them about Jesus Christ through love.
United States
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Meekah Jeanette Reeves
I serve on a worship team at my local church. As a licensed therapist, I have the honor of helping children and families become whole emotionally.
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marcia reinhart
I have traveled to several nations for healing and evangelism conferences. I have prayed and seen God move in many ways - deliverance, healing, salvation and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Recently, I moved to Utah and have met many former and current LDS women. Some I am helping come out of the LDS culture, others I am loving and displaying a grace filled life.
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Valerie Reitemeyer
Woman's Ministry Leader
Grace Full Woman
I am the woman's ministry leader of Grace Full Women, which is a division of Jane Mello's ministry, Majestic Grace Ministries that is reaching thousands of people in Pakistan. I am also a prayer warrior and I share Jesus with people everywhere I go as Holy Spirit leads.
United States
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Sharon Richardson
I am living the book of Acts. I see the blind eyes open, the deaf hear and the lame walk. I currently serve in the Healing Ministry at my church. My husband and I traveled with Randy Clark to Brazil as members of his ministry team. My husband and I traveled to Mozambique to Village of Joy where we were with Heidi Baker. While we were there we prayed for people to be healed in the bush as well as other outreaches. I love praying for people that God highlights for me. I am quite drawn to those who are homeless or in need of a physical healing.
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