Member Directory

Dr. Candice Smithyman
Dream Mentors Int'l Transformational Life Coaching Institute
Biblical Life Coaching Ministry Training School with courses that credential biblical life coaches with Associate Biblical Life Coaching credentials or Advanced Transformational Life Coaching Credential. We offer certificates or credentials for those seeking to advance their understanding of biblical life coaching and Spirit/soul transformational life coaching. We also offer AA- PhD in a variety of different Christian disciplines with our partnership with Freedom Destiny University and its affiliation with Revelation Message Bible College and Jacksonville Theological Seminary. We offer graduates an opportunity to become Mentor Coach Trainers with us and earn income being satellite teachers for Dream Mentors. We also offer coaching and counseling services in house or via online or telephone conferencing. We also help to fund missions work through sales of some business products.
United States
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Nobuko Soma
Faith Builders Japan
I am a teacher, worship leader, and translator. I founded Faith Builders Japan to raise up sons and daughters of Heavenly Daddy GOD through teaching ministry & mentoring and release them into their places of influence to reach the lost (about 99% of Japanese) and be lighthouses pointing to Jesus.
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Deborah Somjak
Unfolded Hearts Ministry
The Lord uses me prophetically in many different aspects - intercession, counsel, words of wisdom/knowledge, prayers, dreams and visions, angelic encounters. He uses these aspects to love and service the local body; individuals and marriages.
United States
Fort Mill
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Cheryl Sorell
Missionary/leadership mentor/Life Coach
ACTION International
Training and equipping young adults in leadership, team development and cultural sensitivity for the purpose of engaging in Kingdom business.
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Katie Souza
Founder and President
Katie Souza Ministries
Katie Souza Ministries & Expected End Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Prison Ministry based in Maricopa, Arizona. It was founded in 2006 by ex-felon and author Katie Souza.
Katie Souza and the EEM team teach and equip people how to move in the supernatural and cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on earth. Through this ministry, thousands of people have experienced physical and emotional healing and have been equipped to fulfill their God given destinies.
KSM & EEM also serve the inmate population in over 2,000 prisons across the United States and in five countries. Katie is the author of "The Captivity Series: The Key to Your Expected End." Her powerful testimony of turning captivity into promise has changed the lives of countless people around the world. Her book teaches inmates how to take possession of their Kingdom purpose while behind bars.
United States
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Stephanie Spence
Tenacious ME
I am a Christian Life Coach and I teach Chapel at a Teen Challenge Women's home.
United States
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Cynthia Spencer
Prophetic Intercessor
Only Believe Ministry
I assisted in launching Only Believe Ministries. Intercession is my passion. I am part of the Healing rooms in Spokane as a team member. Words of wisdom and knowledge are a joy and privilege in ministering. I look for opportunities daily from on line ministries, waitresses, clerks, neighbors and precious brothers and sisters to minister to.
United States
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Sabrina Spencer
Sabrina Spencer Ministries, Inc
Sabrina has a passion to see the Body of Christ healed, whole and walking in true identity! Ministering in the US and internationally, Sabrina's prophetic anointing enables her to identify, activate and release gifts in individuals, leadership, and churches that equips, empowers and catapults them into their Kingdom destinies.
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Rene Springer
Senior Leader
Global Presence
Rene Springer, and her husband Steven Springer, are the Senior Leaders of Global Presence Center. Global Presence Center (GPC) is an ARC (Apostolic Regional Center) in the heartland of America. Our vision is . . . Bringing God's Presence, Advancing His Kingdom, and Transforming Nations. Our roots are deeply embedded in prayer and worship as this is foundational to fueling and cultivating the presence of God and the heart of the Body of Christ. We are given to raising up and equipping the Body to fulfill their destiny, walk in their authority as sons and daughters of God and do the work of the ministry. We are devoted to individual and corporate transformation through influencing culture and shifting society.
Rene is passionate about expressing the heart of God through creative arts as a teaching tool. Her prophetic gifting makes a way for the apostolic mandate to build with new creative innovations in expressing the Kingdom of God within the GPC and individual lives.
United States
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My ministry is to women who are in homeless shelters. I love to see these women come forth and into their true identity in Christ.
United States
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