Member Directory
Jenifer Britton
Ordained minister & Founder of The Banners of Love
The Banners of Love
Jenifer's burning passion is to embrace the Heart of God in Worship, ushering in and hosting His Presence! For truly, it is during intimate Worship and gathering times we ‘Create an Atmosphere’ for His Spirit! As Heaven joins earth, His Love brings Refreshment, Restoration and Healing to hearts, minds & souls~to a lost & hurting world. People! experience and ignite a new level of Praise & Worship, beginning in your heart !
United States
Lake Havasu City
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Dawn Brown
Skyway Church and Apostolic Center
Dawn Brown is the Co-Pastor of Skyway Church and Apostolic Center, the Co-Host of 'The Glory Generation' a TBN Salsa TV program, and an Apostle in the Ascend Network. As an educator with a Bachelor's degree in Education from Wayland University, she ran Skyway Christian School for 17 years. She is currently leading a team to open Ascend Skyway Academy, a grade school for special needs children and Ascend International University, an accredited university preparing leaders to bring glory to their realms of influence. Dawn is a gifted speaker and teacher. She holds a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute.
Dawn and her husband, Greg Brown, are commissioned Apostles aligned with HIM and Global Spheres. They have two grown children and three grandchildren. Dawn has authored a children's book called, Bennett and the Magic Closet, based upon interaction with her grandson, Bennett.
United States
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Merry Bruton
Owner, Dream Interpreter, teacher, trainer
Destiny Dreamz
I am a professional Dream Interpreter and own Destiny Dreamz LLC, run a website,, designed to help people learn to hear God and interpret their dreams. I teach dream interpretation classes, teach about prophetic ministry and evangelism. My website is somewhat covert in nature because I use dream interpretation and prophetic ministry as a tool to reach New Age and other communities to introduce dreamers to a Father that they perhaps have not met yet. I love to raise up dream interpreters and prophetic ministers and build teams to take to extreme places where most Christians will not go, to bring light and life to people who are hungry for spiritual connection but would never step foot in a church building.
I'm a writer, entrepreneur, teacher, and a coach, employing creative spirituality, dream interpretation and prophetic encouragement to inspire folks to go deeper with Jesus and boldly walk with him into Good-Newsing adventures.
United States
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Michelle Burkett
Director/Administrator for WIMN
Patricia King Ministries
I have the joy and privilege of serving women in all kinds of ministry as we combine our strengths to form a global network of women on the frontlines, advancing God's kingdom. I am a minister, counselor, and administrator with a mandate to breathe life into God's people and see them fulfill their dreams, potential and destiny.
United States
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MB Busch
Founder and Partner
Dappled Horse Ministries
My husband Jeff and I have a radio ministry in the Twin Cities. We are on AM 980 KKMS; Christian Voice of the Twin Cities and it is called Training for Reigning - "Equipping the Saints to Rule on Earth as it is in Heaven.
United States
Eden Prairie
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Annie Byrne
Executive Director
Momentum Ministries
Momentum is the act of keeping an object in motion once it has started to move. We believe that now, more than ever, the world is in need of hope-inspiring words from the Lord. By releasing prophetic words of wisdom and revelation in a current and creative way, we believe we can reach a new generation of teach savvy dreamers. We also believe that God is merging the generations - of both young creatives and those full of wisdom and passion - in a powerful equation for revival. So whether you need prophetic insight into business, politics or media. or you want to bring in a full-scale revival encounter weekend, Momentum Ministries comes ready to partner with the promise of heaven - ready to change today's world. Annie Byrne is the Founder and Executive Director of MM, and is currently traveling both across the US and abroad, sharing strategic prophetic words and insights to bring governmental and corporate alignment with heaven, as the earth is transformed!
United States
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Karen Calvi
Leader, Facilitator
SVCC Single Womens Small Group & SVCC Tempe Prayer Team Member
I lead a single women's Small Group that meets weekly. These 19 women come from all walks of life, ages 30 and up, status, culture, etc. Single group description is widowed, divorced or never married. Our Small Group is a safe place where confidentiality is required and I try to foster love & encouragement individually to each member and encourage each member do the same, one to another.
At weekly meetings we review & discuss sermon notes and at times we do a 4-9 week bible study and/or a DVD based study. We have periodic social events. I encourage the girls to serve at our Church or outreach as individuals and as a group. We encourage prayer and one of my responsibilities is to gather prayer requests and send out weekly prayers for each need to all of the group members. I'm also the Administrative/Communications for our group.
I am also a member in the SVCC, Tempe Campus Prayer Team.
United States
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Stacey Campbell
STACEY CAMPBELL is the founder and facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council and serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Cindy Jacobs She and her husband Wesley are on the apostolic team of Harvest International Ministries (H.I.M.) under Dr. Ché Ahn. They are also the founders of a church (New Life Church, Kelowna, BC) and a mercy organization for children at risk called “Be A Hero.” As conference speakers, they have ministered in over 60 nations, laboring to see revival and social justice transform the world. Stacey’s personal experience as a church planter, pastor, and missionary gives her prophetic teaching a depth and authority that can only come from personal experience. The Campbells have five grown children and live in Kelowna, B.C., Canada.
British Columbia
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Jane Campbell
Editorial Director
Chosen Books
Jane Campbell, formerly managing editor of Christian Herald, an evangelical monthly, is editorial director of Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. From her home in Fairfax, VA, she directs acquisitions for Chosen Books and has worked with hundreds of authors to (in the words of Chosen’s mission statement) “publish well-crafted books that recognize the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit and help readers live more empowered and effective lives for Jesus Christ.” With a B.A. in literature from Houghton (N.Y.) College, Jane is the co-author of several books, including Growing Up Born Again and Healing in His Presence. She currently leads one of the home groups for Church of the Apostles, an Anglican church in Fairfax, VA, where she also serves on the vestry and is liaison for a ministry for girls at risk in Kampala, Uganda.
United States
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Janet Chambers
Senior leader
Living Waters Christian Centre
Preaching in our own church. Leading pastors in our region
Serving on the apostolic board of the New Life Churches of New Zealand
Ministering into other nations
New Zealand
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